12Rounds 12Rounds.ge 032204949 info@12rounds.ge

we offer

The 12 Round group workouts are about discipline and experience. Each of our team's experienced coaches have worked on it specially for you



Boxing is a high-intensity cardio and explosive full-body workout.
Due to its dynamism, the body consumes a large number of calories, and it also positively affects the metabolic processes in our body. It helps to improve the hormonal background both immediately after training and in the subsequent period, which in turn is directly related to the fight against stress. In addition to the above, boxing will help you develop and improve endurance, flexibility, coordination, reflexes, and balance. It will significantly change the composition and relief of your body



A system of functional exercises prepares the human body and body to increase and improve its own capabilities.
Functional exercises consist of multi-joint exercises that teach a group of body muscles to move simultaneously, increasing general and aerobic strength, coordination, balance.

Exercises are performed both with your own body and with the use of additional weights. The system of functional exercises is planned directly by the trainer, which allows the exercises to be varied and adjusted according to individual training and physical abilities. Functional exercises help to improve the quality of health and physical abilities.



Classes are based on elements of Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga, Kundalini and Vinyasa.
Strength and flexibility poses, dynamic and static exercises are alternated in such a way that one gives us a break from the other. In parallel with physical training, we use various breathing techniques and simultaneous breathing with movement, which helps us to be in a state of awareness.




